Turan Agency appealed to the Ombudswoman with a complaint against the Ministries of Economy and Ecology

Baku/16.08.22/Turan: Director of the Turan News Agency Mehman Aliyev appealed to the Ombudswoman for Human Rights Sabina Aliyeva with a request to provide a detailed response to information requests sent to the ministries of economy and ecology, which do not comply with the Law on Access to Information.

“In accordance with the Law on Access to Information, on June 24, 2020, I separately submitted a request for information to the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In these requests, I asked 8 questions to both government agencies that own public information. Through questions, I asked the ministries to provide me with information that is open by law, which each information owner must enter on their website. The information I have requested must be provided to me as soon as possible, but no more than 7 working days in advance. Almost 2 months have passed since I sent the request, but neither the Ministry of Economy nor the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources has responded to it,” the letter from the head of the agency says.

The information request contained the following information:

"Residents of the Buzovna village appealed to the President of Azerbaijan with a request to provide assistance in saving them from illegal fences and structures on the seashore. After that, the Executive Power of the city of Baku organized work to remove obstacles to the free access of citizens to the sea. Fences and structures on the banks of Buzovna have already been partially dismantled.

In accordance with Article 50 of the Constitution and the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Access to Information”, please answer the following questions:

1. Did your ministry monitor the illegal seizure of the Caspian Sea coast by individuals and legal entities, and when? Are government agencies notified of the illegal capture of the coast by individuals?

2. What is the total length and area of ​​the illegally seized Caspian coastline?

3. What sanctions have been imposed on persons fencing the sea coast for personal use? How many such sanctions were there?

4. Does the ministry plan to conduct monitoring to determine the extent of the seizure of the Caspian coastline by citizens and legal entities?

5. What measures does the Ministry plan to take to prevent the capture of the Caspian coastal strip?

6. What measures does the ministry take to prevent environmental pollution on the Caspian coast?

7. What measures will be taken to free offshore reefs from fences and structures? Are there plans to carry out restoration work on the rocks?

8. What measures are planned to be taken against persons who illegally occupied the coastal strip in the Caspian Sea?"

According to the Law on the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, “... The Commissioner exercises control over the fulfillment by state bodies, local self-government bodies and officials who own information of the obligations arising from the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Access to Information”.

According to Article 13-1 of this law, within 10 working days, the commissioner examines the circumstances reflected in the complaint about the violation of the right to access to information:

13-1.3. In the course of investigating the circumstances reflected in the complaint about the violation of the right to access to information, the commissioner finds out whether the state body, local self-government body or official who owns the information has complied with the following requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Access to Information:

13-1.3.2. ensuring information request in the manner, terms and methods provided by law;

13-1.3.5. Compliance of the creation of the Internet information resource with the requirements of the law;

13-1.4. In connection with a complaint about a violation of the right to access to information, the Commissioner requires the state body, local self-government body or an official who has information to eliminate violations.--0--

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