Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/14.03.21/Turan: Azerbaijan ranked 37th among the world states in the arms imports in 2017-2021 and purchased arms mainly from Israel (61%), Russia (22%) and Belarus (6.6%). This is stated in a report circulated by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on the international arms trade.

At the same time, the report points out that as compared to 2012-2016, there was a slight drop (-4.6%) in international arms trade in 2017-2021.

The United States leads in global arms exports, accounting for 39% of total shipments.

As compared to 2012-2016, the US has increased exports by 14%. The US raised exports by 14% and its share in the global market by 7% (it was 32%).

Note that 43% of US exports go to the Middle East.

The second largest arms exporter is the Russian Federation.

It accounts for 19% of global arms exports. However, as compared to 2012-2016, Russian exports are down by 26% which is due to lower arms deliveries to India and Vietnam.

However, large shipments of Russian arms to India are expected in the coming years.

Also, China and Germany are ranked 4-5, but have reduced their arms exports by 31% and 19% respectively as compared to the previous review period. -16d-


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