Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/20.12.21/Turan: The electronic system in the European Union does not recognize or read the certificate of the vaccine against the coronavirus in Azerbaijan. In particular, the European electronic system does not recognize the QR code in the vaccination certificate. According to Azerbaijani citizens studying in European countries, they have problems both at the airport and at the place of study in European countries.

Why is not the certificate issued by Azerbaijan  recognized in Europe? Why is  not the country  connected to a common electronic system?

In particular, Sayad Yusifli, who is studying in Europe, is one of those who faced such a problem. However, the young man was lucky, after a few days he was given a new code.

MP Vugar Bayramov considers it important to accelerate work on integrating the database of the State Agency for Compulsory Health Insurance into the electronic system of the European Union. According to him, 28 non-EU countries have already been integrated into the European electronic database. Among them are two neighboring countries of the South Caucasus, Turkey, Moldova and Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Health, a working group has been created to develop mechanisms for the mutual recognition of COVID-19 certificates. Preliminary discussions in this direction have already been held with a number of countries.

"Additional information on the results of the discussions will be provided to the public," the Health Ministry said.

Human rights activist Zaur Akbar believes that with the introduction of COVID passports, it was necessary to carry out work in advance to include this document in the international system, negotiate with the relevant European institutions, the World Health Organization. — 21D16-


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