The "emigration" card has become another reason for pressure on political opponents of the regime in Azerbaijan. The Prosecutor General's Office urgently questioned the opponents of the regime in the investigation of the facts of the issuance of forged documents indicating that they belonged to an opposition party or were persecuted for political reasons by those who asked for political asylum in the West.
Almost all the leadership of the Popular Front Party headed by Chairman Ali Kerimli was summoned to the prosecutor's office, and sustained many hours of interrogation on this scrupulous topic for the country. "Instead of looking for true criminals, the prosecutor's office interrogates us, giving rise to the campaign of black PR against the PFPA, but such forms of pressure cannot prevent our struggle," Kerimli said.
The so-called emigration case arose immediately after the meeting of the National Council, which was held on April 8 at the stadium "Mehsul" with harsh criticism of the authorities and aroused interest in a large protest audience.
The search for political asylum on forged documents, in fact, takes place to be. It is a fact that the majority of Azerbaijani citizens who settled in Europe for political reasons were persecuted by material need, and left the country because of unbearable socio-economic conditions, and in the hope of a better life not somewhere in paradise, but in this life on the promised lands, to which it is possible to classify the West European space.
Raising the emigration issue, the Azerbaijani authorities stirred up the topic, which was aggravated even more, leaving society in the bosom of the crisis.
According to the latest data, during the economic crisis in 2015, the number of immigrants to Europe from Azerbaijan increased dramatically. "Earlier 30 Azerbaijani asylum-seekers a month applied for asylum in Germany, but today this number of people appeal for asylum a day," Turan was told by the Azerbaijani political expert who recently returned from Berlin.
The migrants are driven to a foreign countries because of economic factors (different economic level of development, differences in wages, the presence of organic unemployment, the export of capital, the usurpation of the economy) and the non-economic (political, national, regional, family, cultural, environmental, psychological, legal, humanitarian.)
In Azerbaijan both these factors have mixed - on the one hand, a sharp depletion of the population, loss of work, income, and on the other, total suppression of personal freedom, regardless of whether it is a civil servant, businessman, teacher. Undoubtedly, on the whole, a mixture of factors makes the problem political, and from the European point of view it is enough to qualify the so-called social refugees as political ones.
Even in the most so-called prosperous times, when oil prices were over $100, most citizens hoped to leave their historical homeland.
In August 2012, the only non-government-controlled ADAM Sociological Service conducted a nationwide public opinion poll among 1,000 respondents to find out the socio-political situation of the Azerbaijani population and problems with religious freedom.
The survey was held during a period of relative economic stability, secured by oil revenues; Eurovision music contest; Continuing repression against civil and political activists, as well as in a year of increasing tensions between secular and religious segments of society. In the survey questionnaire, social issues included issues of religious freedom, and foreign policy orientation. The survey showed that only 6.9% of respondents are completely satisfied with their financial situation; 52.4% are partially satisfied; 30% - experiencing financial difficulties; and 9.5% - have great financial difficulties.
At the same time, the survey showed that the protest moods in the society are at a significant level: 60% of respondents supported protests in Azerbaijan in support of civil liberties; 10% condemned these protests 10%; and - 25.4% say it is not up to me.
As for the issue of emigration, 62.1% of respondents wished to leave the country permanently or temporarily. In relatively stable years only 6.9% considered their life to be prosperous from financial point of view. And at the same time, 60% of respondents were politically protesting. This is the indicator of the protest mix of politics and economy, which forces people to emigrate from the country.
But as stated above, there is another category of economic refugees of the so-called prosperous order - these individuals are among the highest elite of the state. This group of running capital does not go through the transit camps for refugees, it settles legally or illegally earned funds, fleeing the country, to the future of which it does not believe. Virtually all the offspring of the country's top leadership settled in the West, legalizing through privy universities and front companies.
The latest elitist background also reinforces the thesis that migration from Azerbaijan has political roots - lack of freedom of expression, legal insecurity and humanitarian uncertainty. And all the characters of the socio-political scene (opposition, power, inhabitants) are situational hostages of the current state system.
In our case, the authorities can continue the theme of exposing false political emigrants, but it cannot ignore the fact that they are products of its own and unnatural policies, and immoral thinking.
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