Appeal to the Congress points out that since the assumption of office D. Trump managed to restore the American leadership and authority in the world under the slogan «America is first of all» in security and foreign policy. Pursuing global American interests, the approach relies on the fact that the United States is «the world’s best force of good and that our power is capable of creating more freedom, flourishing and potential. An idea of «American exceptionalism is shining brightly again».
In the meantime, the world is faced with strong competition typical for cold war times, and China is, perhaps, the most serious competitor to threaten the USA. Next follows Russia that seeks to advance authoritarianism both inside and outside the country. Suffice it to remind that Russia invaded and occupied a number of neighboring democracies, supported other authoritarian regimes; the country availed of its enormous national resources to blackmail its neighbors; it seeks to undermine western democracies by means of misinformation campaigns. Also, Russian armed forces are capable of challenging USA and undermining the NATO might.
Thus, economic growth of China and military might of Russia are the greatest strategic threat to the United States; on the other hand, there are «roguish regimes» like Iran and Syria that deadly threaten the country. Iran pursues an aim to get nuclear weapons, seeks to destroy Israel and comes out as the most generous sponsor of terrorism worldwide. And finally, these are groups of Salafite-jihadists, including ISIS and Al-Qaida (in Africa as well) that remain to be major challenges to the US national security.
First section. A new strategy to counter Communist China as a main threat to the United States. It has to be kept in mind that Chinese President Xi Jinping is «the most authoritarian ruler of the country at the modern stage» who concentrated more power than any other Chinese leader. In March 2018, the national Council unanimously voted for amendments to the Constitution that cancelled restrictions on the number of elections of the head of the People’s Republic of China. Headed by President Xi Jinping, China became even more totalitarian in mass media and Internet, and the ruling regime invented a well thought-out system of surveillance over country’s citizens, then adopted a strategy of «cynization» of all religions to thus control all aspects of religious faith through adding socialist form. Xi Jinping proclaimed his own vision of attaining the «Chinese dream of national rejuvenation» and military and economic domination. As viewed by experts, this dream lies in efforts to turn the US-led international system into the China-led system.
It must be acknowledged that China has the world’s second economy in GDP terms ($14,14 trillion) and second in purchasing power parity ($27,31 trillion). Note that in 2000 China controlled just 4% of world economy and the United States – 31%. At present, Chinese figures for China stand at 15% while those for America fell to 24%. From January 2005 to December 2019 the United States received above $180 billion worth Chinese investments to promote American jobs and economy. As of February 25, 2019 - 156 Chinese companies with market capitalization totaling $1,2 trillion were registered at NASDAQ, New York stock exchange and NYSE American.
However, all these successes are none other than results of the Chinese global program of intellectual property thefts across the world. Damage caused by this global IP theft made up $1,2 trillion over 2013 to 2017 period. Note that China sends thousands of students to the United States and other countries under the pretext of international scientific cooperation for systematic theft of crucially important technologies.
Granting this, Beijing is engaged in political war and misinformation campaigning against the United States and other democracies; interfering with academic circles, mass media, business and cultural institutions to thereby suppress criticism and, instead, introducing positive views on China. In so doing the Chinese resort to the help of «Confucius Institutes» and centers of the Chinese language at American universities promoting pro-Chinese political interests among students. Note that «Confucius Institutes» are located in more than 100 American colleges and fully backed by the Chinese government (above $150 million).
Deserving consideration is the fact that countering China is set to start in five different areas: 1. Repulsing the industrial espionage, theft of intellectual property and ill-intentional economic behavior of China; 2. halting the Chinese political influence and misinformation campaigns; 3. countering violation of human rights in China; 4. countering global military modernization of China; 5. consolidating US alliance in the Indo-Pacific region.
Disseminating misinformation in China about the origin of COVID-19 and bringing framed-up accusations against the US military department in creating the virus at special laboratories are none other than continuation of actions aimed at distorting various aspects of American life and attempts to create a negative image of the United States. The point is about a complex network of pernicious influence across the whole American territory that can be used at any moment to form the required public opinion. An expert (P. Mattis) declared in 2019 that within several hours he could identify «more than 250 organizations in the United States actively involved in actions within the framework of unified front of CPC».
To change the situation, the Congress should impose sanctions on CPC top functionaries charged with violation of human rights in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong , actively apply provisions of the Global Law of Magnitskiy and adopt a political statement that response to human rights violation in Xinjiang is the kernel of relations between the USA and China.
There is a further point to be made is that the military modernization of China proved to be the fastest in history; today its army is world’s second after the United States while its naval forces are world’s largest by aggregate assets. Laying a special emphasis on «Silk Road» initiative, China is eager to win a high tech war by 2030 and thus extend Beijing’s authority across the world.
When counteracting the People’s Republic of China the Trump administration laid an emphasis on India as its strategy’s corner-stone in the Indo-Pacific region. The point is that India has always counteracted China, especially in the Southern Chinese sea, and closely collaborated with the USA to fight against Salafite-jihadist terrorists in South East Asia.
Note that US key partners in the region are Taiwan, Philippines (drew nearer to Russia and China lately) and Indonesia as South East Asian largest economy and US security partner in the Indo-Pacific region. Major instrument for establishing allied relations is an agreement on free trade the US is set to expand on Vietnam, Malaysia and Mongolia. At present, the latter is economically dependent upon China. As for Africa, it is essential to conclude such an agreement with Kenya to thus counteract China’s growing influence by means of this country
.Second section. Russia: Prevention of aggression by means of deterrent policy. Russia is «the militarily strongest country to strengthen the USA».
Under authoritarian Putin regime Russia invaded and annexed some territories of its neighbors (Georgia, 2008; Ukraine, 2014); this country is engaged in misinformation campaigns to undermine democratic elections in many western democracies, applied chemical substances for killings, coordinated its military operations in Syria with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and «Hezbollah» and backed «Taliban» in Afghanistan. As for the Near East, Russia strengthens its ties with traditional US allies in the Persian Gulf and with NATO ally Turkey; in Libya it back destabilizing military campaign of Gen. Halifa Haftar. The Russian Federation is pursuing a policy aimed at strengthening migration to Europe and cause a crisis for «suppressing European structures and undermining European determination». In Latin America Putin sent troops to support a socialist dictatorship of N. Maduro.
Also, Russia sold oil to North Korea in defiance of US sanctions. In Balkans, Russia backed an attempted coup d’état in Montenegro to prevent this country’s joining NATO.
According to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), «China and Russia are consolidated as never before starting with mid-1950s and their relations tend to become stronger which, in turn, would increase risks of regional conflicts, especially in the Near East and South-East Asia.
It must be conceded that a greater part of Russian aggressiveness and antidemocratic efforts is rooted in Putin’s desire to position Russia as a power of world importance. It is no mere coincidence that his regime has launched misinformation campaigns, cyberattacks, operations aimed at political pressures for attainment of Kremlin’s foreign political goals. In this respect the political war and pressures of Russia were marked by great successes in Europe. The European Council for International Relations revealed an essential growth of pro-Russian, anti-American political parties many of which are maintaining direct contacts with Kremlin. Under Gallup poll of 2019, rating of Russia’s approval worldwide has appreciably increased.
Also, Putin is eager to ensure global military presence through deploying small sub-units at hot spots worldwide to thus withstand identical US activities. As a matter of fact, Putin is seeking to restore «spheres of influence» and turn into a mediator and organizer of a new international order in the interests of Russia.
Note that the task force strategy tp counter Russia provides for three steps: 1.adoption of the toughest package of sanctions with respect to Russia ever suggested by the Congress; 2.strengthening of US support by NATO and other allies and partners facing the Russian aggression; 3.support of democratic movement inside Russia and direct appeal to the Russian people.
Despite Russia’s efforts to position itself as a partner in the struggle against terrorism, the Congress should qualify this country as a sponsor of terrorism for support of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), «Hezbollah» and Taliban, as well as the Russian neo-imperial movement. The US State Department should report back to the Congress of whether cited below armed formations could be qualified as foreign terrorist organizations: 1. Structures in Donbas controlled or backed by Russia; 2. Persons controlling DPR and LPR or related with them.
Also, the Congress should impose additional sanctions against third parties assisting Russian oil and gas projects, perhaps, by means of provision with technologies or laying of pipelines. Besides, sanctions of this sort must include organizations backing the completion of Nord Stream-2 projects. The Congress should ban purchasing a new Russian sovereign debt to thus hamper Russia with financing its aggressive and destabilizing behavior.
Sanctions against Russia should apply on heads of misinformation campaigns. Current sanctions are insufficiently directed to Putin’s friends whose actions undermine sovereignty of former Soviet Republics. Thus, Bidzina Ivanishvili, the Georgia’s richest man, is Putin’s congenial ally, is involved in destabilizing Georgia on behalf of Russia. In turn, Victor Medvedchuk is an Ukrainian oligarch and empowered person who is using his media-empire for active implementation of Russia’s plans to disseminate misinformation inside the country.
The Congress should impose sanctions of Society of World Inter-banking Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) until it drives Russia out of the international system of codes SWIFT. Note that the United States effectively benefited from this strategy with Iran. The actions above could actually isolate the Russian business and oil companies from global financial system. The point is that most international payments go through SWIFT.
With that end in view, the Congress should start regular public «financial exercises» to demonstrate that the United States and its allies will seize and freeze assets in case of the Russian aggression.
Like the Declaration of 1940 on Non-Recognition of Soviet Annexation of the Baltic countries, the Law on Non-Recognition of the Crimea was adopted by the House on March 12, 2019; however, it has not yet been approved by the Senate. The Law on Support of Georgia adopted by the House of Representatives but not by the Senate, directs to submit a report that the USA is capable of cooperating with Georgia to counter the Russian misinformation and ensure Georgia’s security.
Third section: Expansion of American interests in the Near East, countering Iran and Jihadist terrorist movement. Armed forces of Iran pursue two main purposes: 1. Securing their regime’s survival and 2. Gaining domination position in the Near East to threaten the United States and its allies. Iran avails of «Hezbollah model» - formation of weak and dependent governments in the region by means of backing terrorist units to reduce US influence in the region. Note that Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) is engaged in creating, sponsoring and commanding a world legion consisting of tens of thousands militants. The latter is in charge of laying «land bridge» to control territories from Iran via Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to borders of Israel. In 2019 Iran confirmed that IRGC is in command of 100, 000 civil guardsmen in Syria and Iraq only. Also, it armed and trained radical guardsmen – Houthis in Yemen, provided them with ballistic missiles to attack Saudi Arabia. To compare, at its height the ISIS was in command of just 33000 militants. A war in Syria provided Iran with «unprecedented opportunity to expand its «foreign legion» and laid down foundations for land bridge».
It is important to note that a nuclear deal provided Iran with more than $100 billion frozen assets which were used by the regime for terrorism financing. President Obama considered Iran and its home guards as potential partners in the war against the ISIS, sent a message to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei as saying that the USA and Iran pursued «common goals in the struggle against the ISIS in Iraq and Syria.
Secretary of State Pompeo set forth 12 items Iran must perform for signing a new nuclear deal: discontinue supporting terrorism, renounce from destabilizing behavior in the region, stop developing ballistic missiles and nuclear program. It should be added that US sanctions do not apply to humanitarian aid, medical drugs and instruments and foodstuffs. In January 2020 the United States completed sending medical drugs through a special channel USA-Switzerland for Iran. In connection with pandemic Trump offered to send medical devices to Iran; however the supreme leader rejected the aid and backed a conspiracy theory of the Chinese government under which the USA created a virus to be spread in Iran by means of American medical devices.
It is fair to assume that the USA has key control lever to affect Great Britain seeking to conclude an agreement on free trade with the United States. Washington should avail of this lever to urge London impose sanctions on Iran. On March 31, 2020 the first deal was successfully concluded between the EU and Iran via INSTEX in response to pandemic COVID-19. If the EU is able to directly conclude deals with sanctioned organizations, US sanctions against Iran will make no sense at all.
The Congress should demand from Trump administration to avail of authorities of the Global Law of Magnitskiy and punish Iranian heads of funds and holding groups that form the financial empire of the supreme leader and impose sanctions on IRI broadcasting which in addition to misinformation and regime propaganda, is regularly engaged in telecasting compulsory admissions of guilt by political prisoners made under tortures.
The Congress should back and expand 12 clauses of the Secretary of State, Pompeo by an additional clause to demand Iran’ permission for peace protests, release of political prisoners and discontinue human rights violation.
Salafis-Jihadist movement considers any other religion, other interpretation of Islam as a crime punished to death. That’s why «when countering terrorists we must oppose ideas they use to justify their barbarianism».
Note that from June 2014 to February 2018 the ISIS unleashed above 140 acts of terror outside Iraq and Syria following which, at least, 2043 were killed worldwide. The number of losses in the ISIS conflict zones was much higher: between 2014 and 2019 the ISIS killed 27, 947 people. It was vacuum of power in the collapsing governments of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Somali, Mali, Nigeria, Afghanistan and some parts of Southern Asia that led to the growth of Al-Qaida and ISIS authority.
It should be noted that a detailed survey of the Arabian education program in the Near East revealed manuals propagandizing anti-Semitism, denial of Holocaust and terrorism. Despite a certain improvement, manuals of Saudi Arabia go on propagating ideology of salafites and hostility in respect of Jews and Christians. Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE admitted statements of a clerical who called to exterminate Shiites, Alavites, Christians and Jews.
Al-Azhar, тtraditionally most respected center of study of Sunni Islam, signed a historical agreement with Vatican on the importance of maintaining human dignity and declining from violence in religious purposes. The World Moslem League headed by Saudi Arabia and provider of Salafis ideology, made an unprecedented statement of recognition of Holocaust and even paid a visit to Oswiecim.
The task force is supportive of a strategy consisting of three parts: 1. countering ideology of Salafite-jihad; 2. liquidating their shelters; 3. blocking financing and state support to extremists.
«If countering jihadism is an American priority in the Near East, it ie essential to consolidate relations with neighboring Sunni powers, in particular, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Turkey.
Fourth section: Support of international order on the basis f American values. Note that some of these international organizations that appeared due to US aid pose ever growing threat to American security, sovereignty trying to distort importance of human rights protection in their own interests.
China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and Syria are authoritarian regimes disregarding freedoms and traditional ideas of human rights. China and Russia also worked over spreading their authoritarian model management with the help of development policy that supports tyrannical regimes.
«In the end, the fact that democracy, autocracy and tyranny enjoy status common for oppressors and those respecting human rights, contribute to fundamental weaknesses in UN ability to resolve some of serious human rights protection issues».
It should be borne in mind that the US aid in development purposes is to pursue solely national interests of America.
What is important to notice is that Russia Today (RT) and Central China Television (CCTV) are actively promoting foreign policy of their countries and national values. In this respect the reconstructed USIA cannot serve as a mere global information agency but actively promote America and its values.
Conclusion. It should be remembered that new global threats make the American leadership more necessary ever before. Americans take up the gauntlet again to counteract challenges to our motherland and global world. Our success is accounted for by our national spirit, ideals of freedom, human rights and open markets. This is not for the first time that the American mode of life is called in question. Either in the World War II, cold war or global war against terrorism the conservatives put forward decisions based on these fundamental principles. At this crucial moment the deviation from world leadership means strengthening not only of Russia, China, Iran and terrorist movement of Salafites-jihadists but the deviation from freedom and prosperity worldwide, as well as the threat to our national security and economic flourishing.
In the report the task force for national security and foreign affairs of the Republican Study Committee recommends more than 130 new political decisions for the Congress in an attempt to preserve the might of America and uphold the international order based on principles of freedom, human rights and open markets. This agenda is set to serve a model for the Congress to strengthen America and counteract global threats.
POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS of «Strengthening America and Countering Global Threats»
Communist China: A New Strategy for Countering America’s Top Threat Countering China's Industrial Espionage and Intellectual Property Theft
1. Enhance the ability to bring cases for IP theft by ensuring the Defend Trade Secrets Act applies extraterritorially
2. Require Chinese businesses to assign an agent for service of process in the U.S.
3. Address sovereign immunity abuses to better enable private sector litigants to seek legal redress against Chinese companies for IP theft.
4. Amend the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act to allow suits against foreign states' corporate affiliates under the law's commercial activity exception
5. Require Chinese firms to waive any potential claim of sovereign immunity doing business in the U.S.
6. Reform the evidentiary requirements of Section 337 of the Tariff Act to facilitate cases for cyber theft of trade secrets
7. Congress should sanction companies that steal American IP and require a report identifying such companies
8. Require the Department of the Treasury to produce an annual report identifying companies that have stolen or benefited from stolen IP from U.S. companies
9. Codify the Department of Commerce's Denied Persons List as option to punish for foreign companies with a pattern of breaking U.S. laws
Counter China's IP Theft at American Research Institutions and Academia
10. Enact a visa disclosure requirement for foreign students receiving funding directly or indirectly from the Chinese government
11. Require a report on the efficacy of the Department of State's visa screening mechanism to mitigate Chinese IP theft and creation of a list of research institutions associated with China's People's Liberation Army and Ministry of State Security
12. Require student visa holders to report to the Department of Homeland Security if they change majors and require periodic re-vetting upon reentering the U.S.
13. End visas for Chinese government officials, active duty members of the Chinese military, and senior officials in the CCP, and their immediate family members until China ends IP theft from American universities and research institutions
14. Enact the Protect our Universities Act
15. Congress should require Department of Defense research grant applicants to certify that no recipients have ever participated in a Chinese talent recruitment program
16. Require a report detailing the extent China has benefited from U.S. taxpayer funded research and from Chinese funding of U.S. research institutions
17. Enact the Safe Career Transitions for Intelligence and National Security Professionals Act
Exposing CCP-linked Corporate Subterfuge
18. Establish an Office of Critical Technologies and Security to help prevent the transfer of critical emerging, foundational, and dual-use technologies to countries of concern
19. Require Chinese companies to disclose internal CCP committees and financial support provided by the Chinese government
20. Enact the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act
21. Enact the Promoting Secure 5G Act
Stopping China's Malign Political Influence and Disinformation Campaigns
22. Create new authority to sanction state-backed disinformation networks and mandate placing such sanctions on the CCP's United Front Work Department
23. Enact legislation to protect our universities from CCP propaganda
24. Require think tanks and non-profits to disclose contributions from certain foreign entities over $50,000 annually
25. Enhance FARA to strengthen penalties for state-backed violators, require disclaimers on direct foreign government propaganda, improve its public database, and repeal exceptions for certain foreign private sector entities
Human Rights and International Institutions
26. Enact the Countering the Chinese Government and Communist Party's Political Influence Operations Act
27. Mandate sanctions on Chen Quanguo, other senior CCP members, and other Chinese officials responsible for human rights abuses in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong
28. Enact a statement of policy that responding to the human rights abuses in Xinjiang is a central aspect of U.S.- China relations
29. Create a rebuttable presumption that goods originating in Xinjiang are products of forced labor for purposes of prohibiting their import under Section 307 of the Tariff Act
30. Require GAO to produce a report on the effectiveness of current pro-democracy and human rights funding going to China through the Department of State and the National Endowment for Democracy
31. Statutorily support the President's effort to withdraw from the WHO and redirect support to other global health initiatives.
32. Require the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) to report on China's coercive influence over international bodies and its efforts to redefine human rights based on Communist Party philosophy
33. Cut funding to international bodies compromised by the CCP.
34. Require the Department of State to issue a strategy to counter Chinese efforts to control key international standard setting bodies and other multilateral organizations
35. Direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the WHO Countering China's Global Military Modernization
36. Require the Department of Defense to publish a list of Communist Chinese military companies operating in the U.S.
37. Direct the Department of Defense to examine the feasibility of public-private partnerships for the secure development of hypersonics technology
Strengthening our Alliances and Partnerships in the Indo-Pacific and Beyond
38. Enact the South China Sea and East China Sea Sanctions Act
39. Encourage the Trump administration to pursue expanded trade with India and elicit human rights improvements
40. Enact the United States-India Enhanced Cooperation Act
41. Encourage the Trump administration to begin negotiations for a free trade agreement with Taiwan
42. Encourage the Trump administration to prioritize free trade agreements with the Philippines and Indonesia and conditionally with Vietnam
43. Enact the Mongolia Third Neighbor Trade Act
44. Encourage the Trump administration to complete a free trade agreement with Kenya to counter China's growing influence in Africa
45. Encourage the Trump administration to begin negotiations for a free trade agreement with Brazil
Russia: Rolling Back Aggression Through a Strategy of Deterrence
Enhancing Sanctions on Russia
46. Designate Russia as a State Sponsor of Terrorism
47. Impose new secondary sanctions against companies supporting special Russian petroleum and natural gas projects, including the Nord Stream 2 project
48. Expand sanctions on the purchase of new Russian sovereign debt
49. Enact the Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression (DASKAA) Act
50. Require the Department of the Treasury to place Vnesheconombank (VEB) on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN) list
51. Sanction Russian propaganda chiefs and those undermining U.S. partners from the former Soviet Union
52. Direct the Department of State to produce a report on Kremlin-connected oligarchs who finance Russian military aggression
53. Require an interagency report on Russian influence in key domestic sectors
54. Mandate sanctions on the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) until it expels Russia from the international SWIFT code system
55. Mandate regular public "financial exercises" that demonstrate how the U.S. and our allies would seize and freeze assets in the event of Russian aggression
Improving Russian Containment by Supporting NATO and Our Allies
56. Require the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense to make deterring Russian aggression a top agenda item at all NATO summits
57. Enact the Crimea Annexation Non-Recognition Act
58. Enact the Georgia Support Act
59. Renew the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative and expand it to include anti-ship weapons
60. Continue to support the European Deterrence Initiative
Countering Disinformation and Supporting Democracy Activists within Russia
61. Direct the Department of State to assemble a strategy to communicate information directly to the Russian people
Advancing American Interests in the Middle East:
Confronting Iran & the Jihadi Terrorist Movement
Enhancing President Trump's Maximum Pressure Campaign on Iran
62. Limit executive waivers that lift sanctions on Iran
63. Urge the Trump administration to trigger snapback sanctions against Iran
64. Support Trump administration efforts to extend U.N. arms embargo on Iran
65. Direct the Department of the Treasury to sanction the commander of the IRGC's Aerospace Force
66. Impose sanctions on Iran's petrochemical, financial, automotive, & construction sectors
67. Impose sanctions on the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) and its Iranian counterpart, the Special Trade and Financial Institute (STFI)
68. Require the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) to broaden the scope of activities constituting 'significant support' to Iran's shipping sector
69. Codify and expand current human rights sanctions on Iran
70. Impose sanctions targeting Iranian individuals and entities involved in human rights abuses
71. Require the Trump administration to sanction the Iranian heads of foundations and holding groups constituting the Iranian Supreme Leader's financial empire
72. Impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB)
73. Enact the Iran Human Rights and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act
74. Enact the Stop Corrupt Iranian Oligarchs and Entities Act
75. Enact a statement of policy supporting and expanding Secretary of State Pompeo's twelve points for the removal of sanctions on Iran
Protecting America by Solidifying the President's War Authorizations
76. Congress should enact a new AUMF to ensure the President has clear authority to keep the country safe from Foreign Terrorist Organizations.
Countering Iran's Regional Role
77. Congress should require the Department of State to designate a number of Iranian-backed proxy militias in Iraq and Syria as FTOs and maintain a watchlist of future Iranian-backed proxy militias.
78. Require a report on the long-term threats posed by backing the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and other Iranian backed militias in the war on ISIS
79. Block funding for the Iraqi Minister Ministry of Interior and Federal Police until certain safeguards are met
80. Enact the Iraq Human Rights and Accountability Act
81. Enact legislation to require Iraq to comply with sanctions on Iran
82. Cut all funding for U.S. security assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF)
83. Prohibit sending taxpayer money to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail out Lebanon
84. Expand sanctions on Hezbollah and its allies in Lebanon
85. Enact a statement of policy supporting the Trump administration policy of political transition in Syria and withdrawal of all Iranian forces from Syria
86. Require the Department of Defense to produce a feasibility assessment of a no-fly zone over Idlib, Syria
87. Sanction the Houthis in Yemen as a FTO and codify sanctions on those supporting the Houthis and destabilizing Yemen
88. Refrain from cutting arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE
89. Direct the Department of Defense to provide a comprehensive assessment of U.S. capabilities to defend against Iranian ballistic missile, cruise missile, and unmanned combat aerial vehicles
Countering Salafi-Jihadi Ideology
90. Enact a statement of policy to more accurately define the goals of countering ISIS and Al Qaeda as countering the global Salafi-jihadi movement
91. Enact the Saudi Educational Transparency and Reform Act
Eliminating Safe Havens and Breeding Grounds of the Salafi-jihadi Movement
92. Create a strategic office designed specifically to defeat the Salafi-jihadi movement
93. Develop an expeditionary civilian capacity with coordination between USAID, State, and Defense Departments to support Chiefs of Missions and Combatant Commands
94. Require a report assessing the risks of a premature U.S. withdrawal from the Sahel region of Africa
95. Enact the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Act
96. Enact the Libya Stabilization Act
97. Support the ceasefire in Yemen and a resolution to the Yemeni civil war to help defeat Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
98. Enact a statement of policy supporting human rights in Iraq and rejecting partnering with the Assad regime in Syria or Iranian militias in Iraq
99. Enact a statement of policy to ensure we continue to sustain the victory over ISIS, prevent the rise of other Salafi-jihadist terror groups, and protect oil resources from Iranian capture
100. Enact the Ensuring a Secure Afghanistan Act
Blocking Funding and State Support of Salafi-jihadi Movement
101. Codify Executive Order 13224 with enhancements made by President Trump to ensure the president has adequate statutory authority to target and designate terrorist organizations
102. Condition aid to Pakistan on actions and commitments to stop supporting the Haqqani group and the Taliban
103. Consider sanctions on senior officials in Pakistani defense and intelligence apparatus if they continue to support terrorism and destabilization of Afghanistan
104. Examine whether Pakistan meets the definition to be a State Sponsor of Terrorism
105. Increase resources to the OFAC and grant it direct-hire authority to increase the speed and effectiveness of sanctions implementation
Maintaining an International Order Based on American Values Protecting an American Vision of Human Rights
106. Enact a statement of policy that standing for democracy and human rights is in the U.S. national security interest
107. Hold legislative hearings on the recommendations of the Commission on Inalienable Rights
108. Hold annual hearings on the state of democracy and human rights in the world
109. Lower the threshold under the Global Magnitsky Act from "gross" violations of human rights to "serious" violations of human rights
110. Remove references in U.S. law that rely upon the U.N. or other international organizations for human rights determinations
111. Prohibit the Department of State from using federal funding to report on violations of "social and economic rights"
112. Prohibit federal funding for promoting international guidelines and standards obligating businesses to protect and fulfill social and economic rights
113. Direct the Department of State to report on human rights inflation, including efforts of the U.N. bureaucracy to bypass normal procedures for recognizing universal human rights
114. Codify the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom as an annually held, U.S.-led forum Promoting Accountability and Reform at the U.N.
115. Direct to the President to pressure the U.N. to shift member contributions toward a voluntary basis
116. Direct the Department of State Inspector General to inspect and audit the use of U.S. funds by international organizations
117. Direct the Department of State to rank U.N. organizations in terms of how valuable they are to U.S. interests
118. Continue to enforce the 25 percent cap on funding for U.N. peacekeeping
119. Require the State Department's annual Voting Practices in the United Nations report to include information on foreign assistance awarded to each nation
120. Require U.N. voting practices to be a mandatory consideration in U.S. foreign assistance allocations
121. Require certification that U.S. Ambassadors discuss the annual report on "Voting Practices in the United Nations" with the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the country where they are assigned
122. Restrict a portion of U.S. voluntary contributions to the U.N. on it increasing its employment of U.S. nationals
123. End U.S. funding for the U.N. Development Program, U.N. Office of Disarmament Affairs, the U.N. Human Settlements Program, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, and the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change
124. Statutorily block funding for the U.N. Population Fund Agency
125. Codify President Trump's enhanced Mexico City Policy
126. Enact the Stop UN Aid for Assad Act
127. Enact a statement of policy promoting the Community of Democracies as an alternative multilateral organization to the U.N.
A Results-Oriented Approach to Foreign Aid and International Diplomacy Foreign Aid Reform
128. Reduce legislative directives in foreign assistance
129. Consolidate foreign assistance programs into four assistance accounts with clear purposes and well-defined lines of authority
130. Move USAID functions under the Department of State
131. Test transitioning USAID's development assistance mission to the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
132. Direct the MCC to require countries receiving assistance to adopt policies to strengthen the rule of law, econoic freedom, and attract private investment
State Department Reform
133. Empower U.S. Ambassadors with more control regarding foreign assistance in their host country
134. Replace the Foreign and Civil Service with a modern hiring structure based on merit
135. Eliminate the Undersecretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment
136. Eliminate the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations
137. Reform current Under Secretary positions within the Department of State to elevate its work on human rights and the oversight of multilateral affairs and international organizations
138. Reconstitute the U.S. Information Agency and eliminate the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs and most of its bureaus, including the Global Engagement Center
139. Eliminate redundant, outdated, irrelevant, and duplicative reports at the Department of State
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