Donald Tramp

Donald Tramp

Perhaps, alternating news feed about a situation in either country that established a detention of CNN film crew in the course of live broadcast of protests; direct hit of rubber bullets into two Reuters information agency representatives and a correspondent of a Swedish newspaper as well as firing of Deutsche Welle film crew would not draw a particular attention if not the US involved. Yes, exactly, the United States with its later May protests caused by death Afro-American George Floyd during his arrest.

Indeed, it is paradoxical, isn’t it? The United States and the threat to journalists. This notwithstanding, such are realities of today’s America and possibly the loss of grandeur of the great power. Possibly, image, rating, authority. No matter at once or taken separately but the US world importance has been shaken undoubtedly, openly and irrevocably in the global system.

Testifying to this is the fact that unrest and disturbances in the USA involved tens of deaths of citizens, 5, 000 demonstrators detained, and curfews imposed in 25 American towns. The developments culminated in Washington where protesters burned American flags and road signs. Things went too far even despite the fact that President of the great, not one-storeyed America, Donald Trump was placed in an underground shelter by his security service.

It should be recognized that the loss of the might of the American state manifested itself in the fact that protesters of some towns have been backed by policemen. True, the above-mentioned became more apparent in a statement of Prosecutor General William Barr about «undoubted foreign interference with US protest movement».

No comments: an iconic figure of the American law and order is seeking to take refuge in allegedly foreign involvement in the country? In so doing, he neglects the CIA, FBI, various analytical centers, etc. that have for decades affected domestic and foreign policy of other countries, including those thousands kilometers away from American borders.  

It should be added that Donald Trump called the public to announce a local organization (Antifa) as the terrorist one which caused criticism of his opponents declaring he declines to use the same definition in respect of «right nationalists».

Beyond any doubt, accusations of this sort are natural in terms of confrontation between political forces inside the USA on the eve of the forthcoming November Presidential elections. But at any rate, the very fact of internal confrontation is nonsense for contemporary America. To say more, a grotesque dream.

The point is about ungovernability, chaos, lawlessness. Have all these been initiated? Beyond any doubt even despite the fact that the pretense for disturbances was not far-fetched. However, even if the initiative is real, there is a war inside the American establishment not for life but death.    

If earlier the United States, with reference to the US State Department, made official statements about developments in other countries – the ones that had to be taken into account by opponents of America - has actually lost this «right».  The point is that this time they cannot lay claims to any country over dispersal of demonstrators, anti-journalist actions, etc.   

It is not surprising that on May 25 EU High Representative for the Common Trade and Security Policy, Josep Borrel declared: «Analysts have long focused on the termination of the US world domination and on coming of Asiatic century we are witnessing this today. Also, pressures on the selection of parties are growing» (1).

Of interest is J. Borrell’s mentioning differences between the EU and the United States where «Americans criticized Europeans we disagreed with». The probability remains that these criticisms won’t be welcomed today, especially as J. Borrel openly stated that «today’s world order is lacking order». That said, «we have to build a new multilateral structure»?(2).

There are a lot of questions to be answered, most probably, in the nearest future. Let’s take a look at a 2010 forecast of forecast of Prof. History of the Wisconsin University in Madison (USA) and expert in history of South-East Asia Alfred McKoy that presented a scenario of the loss of US might in 2025. In particular, he pointed out on the interim stage, in 2020 «domestic differences will turn into furious clashes and strives over minor, insignificant issues» in terms of impetuously rising prices, ever growing unemployment and continuing drop on real incomes, (3).

At present, all these nuances are on hand in the United States. Resolutely.

Symptomatic is the fact that in his scenario А. McKoy programmed that in 2020 some countries «faced with inability of the failing superpower to engage its commitments» are bidding defiance to US domination «in the sea, land, space and cyberspace».

Will it happen? Not this year though?

The US world domination has always been real. Hasn’t it????


1.Dawn of Asian century puts pressure on EU to choose sides, says top diplomat

2.Josep Borrel: «Pandemic failed to kill democracy».  

3.Alfred McKoy. Decline and fall of American Empire.

Teymur Atayev


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