New book of the famous historian, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Jamil Hasanli, "History of historical person: Alimardanbey Topchibashev" has been published.
The monograph describes the life and activity of the great statesman of the 20th century in Azerbaijan, the first speaker of the parliament. The author collected a unique documentary materials about Topchibashev in the archives abroad (Great Britain, France, Russia and Georgia,) and used materials from his personal archive.
A significant place in the book was given to materials on the political and diplomatic activities of the Paris Centre of Azerbaijani expatriates.
The book was prepared with the support of the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy.
Alimardanbey Topchibashev was one of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) in 1918-20. He played a great role in the establishment of the first republic in the Muslim East.
The book was published in the "Chashyoglu" publishing house with circulation 2000 copies. -16D04-
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