Court to Determine the Burial Place of Togrul Narimanbekov

The funeral of famous painter Togrul Narimanbekov, scheduled for Wednesday in Paris, was postponed at the last moment.

"On Tuesday at 5:00 pm I received a call from a worker of the Passy Cemetery who said that the funeral can not take place because a lawsuit was filed and the ceremony locked out," By phone,Turan was told by Sevil Narimanbekova, widow of the artist, did not specify exactly who sued .
She said that as soon as the claim is reviewed, the decision on the artist’s burial place will be announced.
      According to Sevil Narimanbekova, the artist wanted to be buried in this place. "Recently we bought an apartment in this district of Paris and were going to move there. Togrul loved this place called Passy Park and Museum, where other outstanding artists of France are at rest. He went there and loved to read a newspaper there. He never made a will, but never made a secret that he wanted to be buried here," said the widow.
When asked why she was opposed to Togrul Narimanbekov being buried in his homeland, Sevil Narimanbekova said she was not against it. "To be buried in Paris is his will, and I want to perform it. If he asked to bury him in Azerbaijan, I would have done that," she said. Sevil Narimanbekova denied allegations that she hid the fact of death of the artist from loved ones. "I immediately informed his relatives and the Embassy of Azerbaijan," she said.
     Note: the daughter of the artist, from his first marriage, Asmar said that Sevil Narimanbekova did not inform her of his and wants, at all costs, to bury him in France.
    The past two decades Togrul Narimanbekov lived and worked in Paris.
Being half  French (maternal), Narimanbekov had relatives in the country and considered it a second home. -02B-

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