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Baku/19.07.23/Turan: The Film Agency known as ARKA, has announced a film project competition. The Ministry of Culture held a presentation event on July 17 to introduce the competition to representatives of the film community.
According to the information released by the ministry, the competition is open to film projects produced by independent production centers and other legal entities registered in Azerbaijan and operating in the field of cinematography. It is also possible for multiple legal entities to participate together.
To be eligible, at least three of the five main authors, including the director, screenwriter, cameraman, director, and composer, must be citizens of Azerbaijan or have a permanent residence permit in the country.
The competition consists of three stages. The first stage, from July 18 to September 15, 2023, involves the submission of projects to ARKA. During the second stage (September 1 – October 15, 2023), a Selection Committee will conduct a preliminary assessment and artistic selection. In the third stage of the competition (October 21-22, 2023), participants will defend their projects (pitching) before the Selection Committee and the Expert Council. Projects that successfully complete the pitching stage will be considered winners, and contracts will be signed with the participants.
The total fund for the competition is 5,500,000 Manats, and projects can be submitted in four categories: films produced by state order, commercial films, auteur films, and debut and student films. Specifically, 2,000,000 Manats are allocated for state order film projects (full-length or short feature films, documentaries, and animation films), 1,250,000 Manats for commercial films (full-length feature films, documentaries, and animation films), 1,250,000 Manats for auteur films (full-length or short feature films, documentaries, and animation films), and 1,000,000 Manats for debut (full-length or short feature, documentary, and animation films) and student (short films only) projects.
For more details about the competition conditions and project submission requirements, interested parties can visit the official website of ARKA at https://arka.culture.az.
It is worth noting that in 2022, a competition called "Support for Full-Length Feature Film Projects 2022" was also announced, receiving a total of 45 project submissions. Following jury discussions and evaluations, 12 projects were selected to proceed to the next stage, known as the "pitching" stage.
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