International Contemporary Art Project “O” on Gender Equality

The Embassy of the Latvia in Azerbaijan in cooperation with the United Nations in Azerbaijan and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ankara is organizing the International Contemporary Art Project Oon Gender Equality as a continuation of the Project Maiden Tower. To Be a Woman”.

This year, the Project will be dedicated to the UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, underlining women’s role for sustainable future. It is going to bring together the international participants to give a ground to share their experiences on gender equality as well as to reflect on the pandemic and post conflict situations influencing on women lives through the contemporary art.

The Project program includes authors’ presentations, film screening, literature event, exhibition and the conference. Each element can be considered as a brick in a new strategy of promoting and strengthening social integration through arts and culture.

Irina EldarovaThe "Open Door" event provides an opportunity to visit the studio of the internationally famous Azerbaijani artist Irina Eldarova. Guests will have a unique opportunity to follow the artist's creative process, see a large art collection, and enjoy direct live interaction with the artist.

In November, as a part of public diplomacy program, Honored Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ms Sabina Shihklinskaya will curate an Exhibition “O” in the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA Baku), based on the continued activities using the website: The concept of the exhibition is dedicated to Women - their lives, roles in society, entertainments and problems. In the Azerbaijani language, the definition of HE and SHE do not have a difference and are represented as "O". Only in the context one can see which gender is meant. And this is very symbolic, since the essence of the topic of gender equality is based on gender unity and equality.

In November also the Embassy is planning to organize an international conference “Women for sustainable tomorrow” in the capacity of NATO Contact Point Embassy (CPE) in Azerbaijan.

The Embassy of Latvia is the leading partner of the project in cooperation with the State Committee for Family, Woman and Child Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, UN Women, UNDP, MoMA Baku, The Magsud Ibrahimayov Creativity Centre, TheLandmark, Nizami Cinema and PlatformART.

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