Rustam Ibrahimbayov is awarded Russian prize

  First  ceremony of awarding scenario  "Word"  named after  Valentin Chernykh took place on  March 27 at the Central House of Artists in Moscow . The award was established last year on the first anniversary of the death of this famous writer.

The founder of the prize, president and chairman of the expert council became his widow, Associate Professor p of VGIK, Lyudmila Kozhinova . The prize is awarded on the basis of  film of the year, and consists of prizes and cash grant.

The first winner of the "Word" became graduates of the Institute of Cinematography, Yeugene Kerov with the scenario of the film "Nechayev’s Dogs" (nominated for " Best thesis scenario") and Catherine Mavromatis, screenwriter of the film of Yusuf Razykova "Shame" (" Best screenwriting debut in the feature film.")

Special prize "For loyalty to the profession" was awarded  a  screenwriter paintings "White Sun of the Desert ," " The Barber of Siberia", and " Burnt by the Sun"  by Rustam Ibrahimbayov. -02D-

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