Is Khadija Ismailova rebelling against the West?

Baku/25.01.22/Turan:  The thoughts of investigative journalist Khadija Ismailova expressed in an interview with the German publication  have been the subject of discussion lately. In an interview, the journalist said that she faced sanctions for defending her country's position on the Karabakh issue. She no longer receives invitations from Europe or the US.

After that, her statements became the main headlines of the pro-government media and journalists in Azerbaijan. “Khadija Ismailova rebels against the West”, “Opposition journalist exposes the West”, and even some pro-government journalists say they are ready to support Khadija Ismailova.

What is the essence of the matter? What else did Khadija Ismailova say in an interview? Why is only this part of the interview published?

  The investigative journalist Khadija Ismailova  answered these  questions in the Difficult Question program.

According to her, several years ago she gave an interview to a journalist who arrived from Germany. And during this interview, she shared her thoughts on the Karabakh conflict. The other day this journalist published this interview.

“A very small part of this interview was devoted to my criticism of Western organizations regarding double standards regarding the Karabakh issue. It was about alienating people who oppose the annexationist policy of Armenia from international organizations. Such aspirations are quite strong and they come under pressure from the Armenian lobby,” the journalist said.

According to Ismayilova, as soon as she received an invitation to participate in a conference, dozens of letters with complaints immediately began to arrive from the Armenians to the organizers of the events. Social media users of Armenian origin began organizing campaigns that Khadija Ismayilova wanted war.

“Event organizers, for some reason, in order to avoid a “headache”, and some because of a specific position, stopped contacting me,” the journalist said, adding that she told the interviewer then: “Yes, they do, but I don't care."

Ismayilova expressed regret that this interview was  used by the Azerbaijani authorities to resolve internal political problems.

“You might think that if you use criticism of international organizations for propaganda purposes, it will justify the lawlessness and corruption of the existing regime,” she said.--0--


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