Baku/31.03.22/Turan: Yesterday, the State Housing Development Agency (MIDA (Mənzil İnşaatı Dövlət Agentliyi) held another online sale of apartments at a discount. Due to the results of the sale of the second stage of the Yasamal housing complex, some people expressed dissatisfaction on social networks. The current sale, unlike the previous ones, took only 5 seconds, and some bidders reportedly used special software to participate in the auction.
The Foreign Ministry does not disclose to whom 500 apartments were sold in 5 seconds.
Real estate expert Ramil Osmanli spoke about all this in the program "Difficult Question".
According to him, not being sufficiently versed in information technology, he undertakes to answer the question - Is it possible to sell 500 apartments in 5 seconds?
“The day before, the GAHS made statements twice. The first was a bulletin intended for the press. He didn't provide any clarity. The second statement contained specific, statistical data regarding the sale of those same 442 apartments. When you look at the time regimes associated with the sale of apartments, you see a completely different picture. It turns out that, in fact, sales started from the 6th second,” Osmanli said.
In his opinion, the clarifications given by the GAHS are insufficient, and it is necessary to take the problem more seriously.
“Our information technology expert, President of the Azerbaijan Internet Forum Osman Gunduz, expressing his opinion on this issue, noted that the SEA should publish materials that record how the sale actually took place,” Osmanli says.
The real estate expert believes that the SAHS should organize the sale of apartments in accordance with the “Regulations on the SAHS”. The GAHS sells apartments directly with mortgage funds and therefore, it is obliged to do this in accordance with the Regulations on the Electronic Mortgage System adopted in 2016. By the way, this is also reflected in the “Regulations on the State Civil Service,” Osmanli said.
According to him, it is necessary to ensure the transparency of the process and there are ways to ensure transparency. He also noted that in order to avoid discrimination, it is imperative to adhere to the order (according to the date of registration).
"Advancement in information technology should not give buyers any advantages," he stressed, adding that the sales process should not be turned into a lottery.
In addition, the expert noted that the statistics provided by the SSIA show that approximately 10-15% of apartments are sold to those buyers who are willing to pay in cash.
“I believe that if the talk is about mortgages and preferential sale of apartments, they should be sold to the category of citizens who have the appropriate benefits,” Osmanov is convinced. –0—
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