Baku/14.07.22/Turan: According to unofficial data, the suicide of Elvin Jafarov, nicknamed Mowgli, is the 36th veteran suicide after the 44-day war. More than 50 veterans are reported to have attempted suicide. In the post-war period, 36 veterans committed suicide, and more than 50 veterans attempted suicide, which is equated with the "Vietnam Syndrome" and "Afghan Syndrome".
How to prevent it?
Psychologist, military expert Azad Isazadeh talks about this in the "Difficult Question" program.
In a war a person faces danger that threatens life and health, he experiences aggression, fear, he has to kill, he sees the death and injury of his comrades, said Isazadeh. “The result of such traumas can be a violation of the human psyche - post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is also called the Afghan/Vietnamese syndrome - from the name of the war in which the patients participated.”
The psychologist noted that the symptoms of PTSD do not develop in all those who have received psychological trauma and they can manifest themselves in different ways. So, during the adaptation period there is a collision with any problems, and a person may again have aggression. He drew attention to the fact that aggression can be of two types - aggression towards others and aggression towards oneself (auto-aggression).
“Auto-aggression can manifest itself in different ways, including suicide. Of course, it is necessary to take at least preventive measures, and sometimes much more extensive - rehabilitation measures. It is clear that not all problems can be solved. But at least this process should be localized (suicides - ed. note).”
Isazadeh believes that the main trigger for suicide among veterans is not so much social problems, but rather the lack of attention to them.
“Some of the demands of veterans may not only seem, but in fact be overstated. However, explanations for denying some benefits should not lower their dignity. The explanation should be correct, and also ethical. One should understand that many of the veterans have contusions and injuries. They may have hearing problems or have difficulty understanding information. Therefore, people in contact with veterans should be friendly and patient.
However, we know how officials are used to treat people. A victorious warrior does not accept such an attitude towards himself.
Veterans require very little from us - a little attention to themselves, and we must be attentive to them. It should be remembered that we are all indebted to them,” the expert concluded.--0--
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