Video materials prepared by lawyer Ilham Aslanoglu are waiting in the wings

Baku/31.01.22/Turan: Lawyer Ilham Aslanoglu (Tahmazov), who actively covered the facts of torture against defendants in the Terter case, was convicted on charges of libel. On January 28, the Yevlakh District Court found Aslanoglu guilty under  the Article 147.2 (slander combined with accusing a person of committing a grave or especially grave crime) and sentenced him to five months in prison. The activist was detained in the courtroom.

The plaintiff in this case is Tahir Guliyev, the father of Vasif Guliyev, who died in the 44-day war. The lawsuit was filed in connection with Aslanoglu's statement on social networks that Vasif Guliyev was involved in the death of senior lieutenant Adyl Sabirli, who was tortured to death during the investigation of the Terter case. Aslanoglu made this statement, referring to the words of Adyl Sabirli's father.

Whom is the new investigation in the "Terter case" directed against? Is the purpose of the investigation reopened in December 2021 in this case to silence the victims and civil activists who demand the disclosure of this case?

An activist of the "Terter case", political observer Arastun Orujlu, answered these and other questions in the program "Difficult Question".

According to Arastun Orujlu, lawyer Ilham Aslanoglu is the person who managed to attract the attention of a wide audience to the “Terter case” through the Azerfreedom YouTube channel thanks to his video clips with the testimonies of the victims.

“Later, other YouTube channels joined Azerfreedom and public discussion of this topic led to the fact that the state leadership was forced to sanction a re-investigation of this case,” he said.

According to Orujlu, it was to be expected that after the appointment of a second investigation, the criminals who committed the massacre in Terter would go on the offensive. Obviously, these people do not want to spend the rest of their lives in a prison cell, as they face a life sentence. And so they will fight, they will do everything to avoid punishment.

“Actually, the mechanism of self-defense was launched by them from the very beginning. They tried to introduce into the public consciousness through social networks the version according to which mass cases of betrayal and espionage took place in the Azerbaijani army. That, they say, the Military Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Defense is investigating these facts. At the same time, without a court verdict, they called the victims criminals, published their photos on social networks. All this was done in order to deprive the victims of public support,” Orujlu said.

The observer noted that among the persons involved in discrediting the victims of the "Terter fight" are not only high-ranking military officers, but also the chairman of the so-called party, KGB agents, who were once introduced into European countries. They act in an organized manner to discredit the process of exposure. But they won't get anything.

As for the case of lawyer Ilham Aslanoglu, according to Orujlu, this is an integral part of the criminal resistance process.

“They expect that by incapacitating Ilham Aslanoglu in this way, they will stop public discussions of this topic, which is especially important at this stage, when the investigation is underway. I recommend them to relax... at least 120 videos prepared by Ilham Aslanoglu are waiting in the wings,” Orujlu promised. –0—

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