Access Bank Increases Authorized Capital

Access Bank increased its authorized capital up to 119.85 million manat through the purchase of 8.2 million new shares by the bank’s shareholders for the amount of 34.85 million manat, the bank said.

Repurchase of the shares was carried out by the acting shareholders on a pro rata basis. Thus, the shares of each of them in the authorized capital of the bank remained unchanged. The process of issue of shares and registration was successfully completed on March 29.

Shareholders of Access Bank are the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (20%), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (20%), the International Finance Corporation (20%), KfW - Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (20%), Access Microfinance Holding AG (16.53%), and LFS Financial Systems GmbH (3.47%).  --71D

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