The World and Azerbaijani literature becomes available under new e-service of the company
Azercell Telecom, leading mobile operator of the country being a leader in social and technological innovations has prepared an incredible present for those fond of reading: now all Azercell subscribers will be able to read unlimited number of books in Azerbaijani, Russian, English and Turkish languages via popular Bookmate application.
Bookmate is a mobile application developed for reading thousands of books in electronic device. This service is the easiest way of finding and reading interesting works with phone, tablet or computer. Thus, over 500,000 books are available in the mobile library presented by Azercell. In return to discounted subscription, Azercell subscribers may get familiar with any piece of fiction, classic, contemporary and business literature. Azercell even gives subscribers a present of free reading. In this case, subscribers can read a certain number of books comprised of mostly classic works. With only monthly subscription of AZN 3.5, Bookmate users will be able to read and download books to mobile devices. Payment from balance will enable the subscribers to access e-library easily and in no time without using any credit card.
There are a number of advantages of Bookmate project. For instance, unlike other services, there is no need to make additional payment for every book. A subscriber can ready any book in the library by paying AZN 3.5 monthly fee from his/her balance. Obviously, this monthly subscription fee is quite low than the price of a book. Another important case is that the readers will be provided not only with foreign literature, but also works of Azerbaijani authors. Next important advantage of the service is that you do not need regular internet for Bookmate library since any book downloaded is available anytime, anywhere, i.e. in the underground and airplane. Furthermore, it does not matter which device you have got in hand – phone, tablet or computer. It is because the book is downloaded to your personal library, not the device.
It is for the first time that subscribers have been offered books in Azerbaijani, Russian, English or Turkish languages. You can get bestselling, mostly read and famous classic and contemporary works and other pieces of art in this half-a-million rich library.
Bookmate functions on Android and iOS operating systems. In addition, subscribers can enter www.bookmate.com and read books or download them to mobile devices.
For more information, please visit www.azercell.com/bookmate.
For more information, please contact news@mcs.az
Azercell Telecom LLC was founded in 1996 and since the first years sustains a leading position on the market. Azercell introduced number of technological innovations in Azerbaijan: GSM technology, advance payment mobile services, GPRS/EDGE, 24/7 Customer Care,M2M,MobilBank, full-time operating Azercell Express offices, mobile e-service “ASAN imza” (ASAN signature) and others. With 48,12 % share of Azerbaijan’s mobile market Azercell’s network covers 99,8% of the country’s population. Currently, the number of Azercell’s subscribers reached 4,5 million people. In 2011 Azercell deployed 3G and in 2012 the fourth generation network – LTE in Azerbaijan. The Company is the leader of Azerbaijan’s mobile communication industry and the biggest investor in the non-oil sector. Azercell is a part of TeliaSonera Group of Companies serving 186 million subscribers in 17 countries worldwide with 27,000 employees.
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