Access to information in state bodies of Azerbaijan on average 31 %

BAKU/24.12.13/TURAN : On-line transparency of state bodies of Azerbaijan is on average 31% . That is reflected on the websites of state agencies, only a third of information subject to placement on the Internet . The highest rate of transparency is 56%, while the lowest is 10%.

This is stated in the report

The report was prepared on the basis of monitoring of 67 government agencies , except the presidential administration , the judiciary and the local authorities .

At the presentation of the report at the hotel Park Inn project manager Khalid Agaliyev reported that monitoring was conducted on 184 types of information , as assessed by 12 parameters.

Figures for individual parameters were as follows:

- Information about the structures themselves on their official websites - 71% percent ( in 2012 it was 63 %);

- Information about the structure of departments - 46 % (in 2012 it was 47 %);

- Information about the activities of the organization 71 % (in 2012 it was 63 %);

- Information on the legal framework and legal instruments - 44 % (in 2012 it was 47 %);

- Information about the activities of the organization to ensure the rights and lawful interests of individuals and legal entities - 8% ( in 2012 it was 9%);

- Information on public procurement - 18% ( in 2012 it was 19%) ;

- Information about staffing - 32 % (in 2012 it was 37 %);

- Information on budget execution , financial reporting - 4 % (in 2012 it was

5 %) ;

- Easy navigation ( access to information ) - 32 % (in 2012 it was 29 %);

- Additional features - registration sites in search engines (Google, Yandex , etc.) - 18% ( in 2012 it was 16 %);

- Negative contents and functions (publishing information in inaccessible programs ) - 86 % (in 2012 it was the same ) .

According to the monitoring results , the highest transparency in the Ministry of Taxes (56%) , the Public Service Commission (56%) , the State Oil Fund (56% ) and the Attorney General's Office ( 55%).

The lowest rates of transparency are at the State Commission on Prisoners of War , Hostages and Missing Persons (10%) , Baku Metro ( 12%), Ministry of Defence ( 12%), and DHS (14%).

The event was shown on the unavailability of the information posted on the state information resources . In addition, electronic services to individuals at less than half of the sites .

The Director of Turan Mehman Aliyev stressed that information on the official websites of state agencies is incomplete and not comprehensive . "For example, it is the information if the Tariff Council acts separately from other official bodies . Suddenly, it is reported that on the basis of requests of state agencies prices increased, while proposals are being hushed up. Thus, the draft budget for next year was envisaged increase in utility prices , but did not indicate when the prices will be increased and by how much. As a result , the public got a shock about raising tariffs on excise goods , including diesel fuel," said Aliyev. -03C-


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