"AIC" reveals plans to assemble electric buses in Azerbaijan

"AIC" reveals plans to assemble electric buses in Azerbaijan

OJSC «Azerbaijan Investment Company» (AIC) announced https:///ww.aic.az/az/news/1319/elektriktistek-avtobususushsalilayihesi the signing of Memorandum of Understanding with "Electrify Azerbaijan" on November 22 which provides for assembling electric buses and producing a number of appropriate spare parts with the company "BYD" (People’s Republic of China) in Azerbaijan.

It is planned to produce 150-200 electric buses per year at the plant, which is planned to be built on a 5-hectare land plot allocated on the territory of the Sumgait Chemical-Industrial Park. In addition to satisfying the domestic demand for electric buses, it will also increase the export potential of Azerbaijan», the state company AIC said.

Founded in 1995, the "BYD" is considered one of the world’s leading technology companies, introducing the latest innovations in electronics, automotive, renewable energy and railway transport. 

Add that the "Electrify Azerbaijan" (INN: 1702962591) LLC, owned by Chinese companies "BYD Company Limited" (BYD) and "SARDA Group" is engaged in developing and introducing the station management platforms for electric vehicles. It offers a wide range of charging stations of brands like "Luobinsen"," New Yea", and "Benny".

It is to remind that "Electrify Azerbaijan" is the official distributor of "BYD" vehicles and a part of "ISR Holding" group of companies. -08B-


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