Almost $ 4.8 Billion AZN Issued for Circulation Additionally

From January to October 4 billion 796 million 59 thousand manats was issued for circulation additionally. According to the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, by 1 October of the previous year, on the contrary, there was a withdrawal of money from circulation (negative emissions) of 8 billion 851 million manats.

Based on cash flow in January-September, total bank cash transfers were at the equivalent of 32 billion 416 million 404 thousand manats (+ 7.7%), where the lead was for operations with individuals and legal entities - 19 billion 336 million 966 thousand manats. Income from entities accounted for 7 billion 916 million 901 thousand mantas and income from individuals was 2 billion 420 million 441 thousand manats.

Total cash flow for the reporting period amounted to 27 billion 674 million 146 thousand manats (minus 7.73%), and the lead was for transactions with legal entities and individuals - 11 billion 404 million 805 thousand manats (-10.07%), payments to individual entrepreneurs amounted to 6 billion 559 million 9,000 manats (minus 17.96%), and through ATMs, mainly in the form of salaries and pensions there was paid 8 billion 732 million 712 thousand manats (- 3.5%). --17D-

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