Amount of Compulsory Insurance Office compensation grows

Payments to victims and families of those killed in road accidents by the Compulsory Insurance Office by 1 October amounted to 181.38 thousand manat, which is more than three times more than the outcome in the entire 2013 (54.39 thousand manat).

According to the report by the Office, the largest number and the amount of paid compensation occurred in the third quarter - 108.12 thousand manat.

The Office accumulates funds for compensation to citizens who are not insured in any of the insurance companies. Its financial resources are generated from the entry fee, the security deposit for each type of compulsory insurance and 5% of the total premiums for compulsory insurance transferred by the companies - participants of the Office.

The membership fee for insurers is 200 thousand manat. For each type of compulsory insurance there is a separate deposit. A single deposit on compulsory insurance of liability of owners of real estate is 100 thousand manat, and that for the compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners (CTP) and passengers is 200 thousand manat. --17D-

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