As part of the campaign "Pay non-cash, get cash" cash prizes totaled 35 695manatov

During the campaign for the instant Lottery AtaBank - "Pay non-cash, get cash" , launched on March 1, 2013 , was granted 19,801 pieces of lottery tickets and cash prizes lottery participants accounted for 35 695 manat.

The remaining number of lottery tickets as part of AtaBank Instant Lottery "Pay non-cash, get cash" is 10 193 tickets. It should be noted that the campaign for the lottery will run from 1 March 2013 to 31 December 2013.

In the instant lottery can participate individuals asking for non-cash transactions by credit cards issued by any bank operating in Azerbaijan, the use of POS-terminals installed AtaBank in various commercial, residential and public service facilities. The right to participate in the instant lottery is received by cardholders, according to which the amount of transactions in a calendar month is at least 20 manats.

To participate in the company needs to get raffle coupons. To get the coupons instant Lottery users of payment cards must collect all receipts of payment through POS terminals of AtaBank in a calendar month and submit them to any branch or department of the bank. User payment card for every given checks in the amount of AZN 20 will receive one raffle coupon.

Note that along with the maximum gain in the amount of AZN 1,000, there are many different winning amounts. We add that the purpose of the campaign is to speed up measures to promote cashless payments in the country. At the moment, the number of POS terminals of AtaBank reaches 10,000 units. -15D -


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