Audit Chamber took control of Ecology

At a meeting of the Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan on May 21 there were approved test results of targeted use of state capital investments allocated to the central office of the Ministry of Agriculture. According to Turan, the former chairman of the general public auditor and current agriculture minister Heydar Asadov asked his protégé about it.

Also, there was explained earmarked spending of Azerelektrikshebeketikinti JSC as well as in the central hospital and the department of culture and tourism in Barda. Materials on the last three items are summarized and sent to investigate not only in Parliament but also the bodies of state supervision, including the prosecutor.

The Chamber will also supervise the activities to protect the environment in Azerbaijan. This is an innovation in the ACA activities. The program of supervisory activities carried out in the Department of Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

The Accounting Chamber of Azerbaijan, as a rule, is limited to generalities about the board meeting, without giving specific figures and data. According to Article 6.0.3 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On receiving information" ("Basic Principles of Information") , the disclosure of budget revenues and expenditures is the responsibility of government agencies , including the Chamber of Accounts. - 17D-

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