Azercell awarded Stevie Awards in the field of business in three categories

A local leading mobile operator Azercell Telecom company won a prestigious international award in the field of business Stevie (International Business Awards Stevie) in the following 3 categories for innovation and innovative projects in the field of telecommunications:

Best Product of the Year (Tariff Bolge);

Telecommunications Company of the Year (for achievements in the field of telecommunications);

Best Customer Service of the Year (for the measurement of the customer loyalty).

Following the vote, the international jury composed of internationally renowned business experts, business owners and entrepreneurs, Azercell Telecom was awarded the Stevie Award for Best Product of the Year for the tariff Bolge that the company has created for its customers in the country.

The company was also chosen the winner in the category Telecommunications Company of the Year for the improvement and expansion of its network, network launch 4G, as well as the introduction of the latest technological innovations in the market of Azerbaijan. In addition, the company also received 3 awards for Best Customer Service of the Year for the introduction of a system of measurement of customer loyalty NPS (Net Promoter Score).

The winners in the various categories will take part in the official ceremony of the international award in the field of business, which will be held in Paris in October 2014 year.

The main purpose of the award Stevie is to recognize and reward companies that have achieved success in different countries of the world. Mission Award is to improve a company's image, as well as evaluation of the people who have gained a certain vocation of the media, the business community and the public. During the short period since its inception the Prize Stevie has become one of the most prestigious awards in the business environment. In 2002, there was the first ceremony American Business Awards, and in 2003 the International Business Awards ceremony was presented. In subsequent years, successful women entrepreneurs, and the companies, other than in the area of ​​customer services, have been awarded the prize Stevie.

The operator Azercell Telecom was awarded this prestigious award in 2011, the year in the category "Best campaign of public relations" for projects in the field of social responsibility, and in 2012 as "creative team" for the project "Carbon Calculator". -17D-

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