Azerigas: About 500 customers supplied with gas in Nardaran district

Since December 12, 2015 about 500 customers in Nardaran district have been supplied with gas, Ibragim Kerbalayev, press officer of Azerigas company, told Report.

He said individual contracts have been concluded with the customers. “We have revealed illegal tapping into the line, which has been stopped, and some customers’ houses have been inspected. After that we have supplied them with gas. Technical inspection is going on. Another part of the customers will be supplied with gas within several days,” said Azerigas representative.

According to Azerigas, Nardaran numbers a total of 1900 customers and the customers with overdue bills must pay their debts.

Some customers have to pay their debts immediately, while others are given time to gradual repay their debt.

Gas supply to the Nardaran district was suspended on November 28, 2015, because of debts.—0--

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