Bank Respublika has become a partner of the country's biggest portal online services Hesab.az in online ordering cards.
As reported in the bank, now every newly registered user can easily book in real time a plastic card in the network of branches of Bank Respublika, without leaving the portal.
To do this during the registration Hesab.az a user needs to fill out a short form and answer a question on whether he has a plastic card. If one wants to order a card, the user is invited to select any debit card of Visa or MasterCard. Plastic cards from Bank Respublika are both free, and connected to the bonus system PayKart. The PayKart system allows you to earn bonuses in the form of real money and make purchases in the affiliate network of the Bank, which unites today 36 brands.
The advantages of plastic cards of Bank Respublika may also include the possibility of making online payments on the Internet, the convenience of card usage abroad and connectivity services, such as MobilBank, HomeBanking, Card-to-Card, Cash-by-code, SMS Notification, PIN Change and 3D Secure.
Recall that acting on the basis of payment technology GoldenPay, the portal Hesab.az allows online payments for services of mobile and fixed communications, most Internet providers, cable TV, utilities via plastic cards of any bank. In addition, users of the portal in real-time will be able to repay bank loans and to use the services of the module online insurance.
By creating My Account in Hesab.az, each of the 64,000 registered users runs his payment history, earning bonuses and participating in campaigns to get a chance to win one of the valuable gifts. All transactions made through the portal are totally reliable and safe, as monitored by the international payment systems using GeoTrustSSL encryption. -15D -
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