Bank Technique began to group lending

In order to expand lending to small businesses in the country, JSC "Bank Technique" announces the launch of a new project - "Peer lending."

The new service of the Bank will be able to take advantage of a group of people who know each other, living in the neighborhood or working in the same company , and engaged in activities related to the production , services, commerce and agriculture.

Group loans, the amount of which reaches 3 manat, issued on the basis of group guarantee for up to 12 months. The number of members of the group can be from 3 (low) to 10 (maximum) people.

The project is aimed at providing citizens engaged in a profession or family farm , credit and financial services in simplistic terms , will also contribute to socio-economic development of the regions .

At the first stage of group loans will be issued in Ganja, Zagatala , Bilasuvar and Beylagan . In the future, the project will cover other regions of the country. -15D -


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