Bank Technique closed two-thirds of its own departments

The Central Bank of Azerbaijan has abolished the license of 5 branches and one branch of JSC "Bank Technique" ( former Texnika Bank).

As reported by the Central Bank , closed offices located in Sumgait , Shamkir , Gekchay , Ujar , Baku (Bakikhanov branch) and a regional branch in Yevlakh . Since December last year, also were closed bank branch in Astara, Masalli, Salyan, Aghdash Agdjabedi , Dashkesen , Gadabek , Shirvan , Geranboy , Kurdamir , Agsu , Ismayilli , Saatly , Geygel, Hajigabul, Gakh and Oguz . Thus, during the period the 22 departments of Bank Technique lost their licenses.

Recall that at the beginning of last year, high-ranking officials of the then Texnika Bank, led by the chairman of the Supervisory Board and shareholder of the bank were taken into custody. From May to August in several special meetings of shareholders has been updated composition of the Board, the Supervisory Board and the Audit Committee, decided to hold a re-branding and liquidation of subsidiaries Texkart and LLC Texnikalizinq.

Currently, Bank Technique operates through 34 branches and 10 offices. - 15B -


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