Bolkart - leader in Facebook poll

According to a survey conducted by the prestigious publication Marketing Facemark, the credit card Bolkart, a product of Bank of Baku, won the most votes of users in the social network Facebook.

Responding to a question on the social network of the electronic publication

"What credit cards do you use?" 52.3% of Internet users surveyed named Bolkart.

Thus, Bolkart, with the highest number of votes, topped the rating of credit cards, which featured a total of five credit cards from local banks. The survey polled 5,000 users Facebook. The survey was accompanied by hundreds of comments from users of social networks.

Bank of Baku appreciates the leadership in this survey, as well as a positive response to their customers' banking products.

Note that, Bank of Baku is not the first time ahead of its competitors as a result of different online surveys. Recently, for example, Bank of Baku was named the best bank in the past year, according to the survey conducted by the site Prior to that, Bank of Baku was declared leader of another survey conducted by the online edition --15D--


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