Completed the first theoretical and practical courses for students entitled "Organization of the insurance business" held in the framework of the program AXA MBASK Academy by insurance company AXA MBASK together with the Union of Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations (ATGTI) and the Association of Professionals Risk of Azerbaijan (ARPA).
According to a press release for the program were selected 25 students from Baku State University, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Academy of Public Administration, Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Affairs, as well as the universities Caucasus and Khazar.
In 24 academic hours of class, students got familiarized with the specifics of the company, performed various practical tasks , gained knowledge in the field of technology sales of insurance products , underwriting , document insurance company , claims settlement , as well as expert advice on risk management and record keeping .
The training was based on a unique program designed managers and leading specialists AXA MBASK, providing a closer look at the work of the insurance company.
By the end of the course the 5 most successful students were able to pass summer internship at the company, with a further opportunity to continue their careers in insurance.
At the award ceremony board members of AXA MBASK congratulated the students on successful completion of the program and wished them success in their studies and career growth.
Theoretical and practical courses for students entitled "Organization of the insurance business" will be held at the beginning of each quarter.
Recall that AXA MBASK in 2010 began the process of implementing international standards from AXA Group in the existing business processes of the company. So, they embodied the plan for development of sales through a network of insurance companies, and in a short time throughout Azerbaijan they opened about 80 points of sales of insurance policies meant to work with individuals and legal entities, as well as with financial institutions in all types of insurance.
European quality of service, as well as the timeliness and completeness of payments, caused the fact that the company in the short term has been awarded five international and national awards as the "Insurance Company of the Year." - 17D-
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