Certification for insurers

After a long break, the Ministry of Finance will hold 27 and 29 September next test examinations for candidates for executive positions, including intermediaries (brokers) in the insurance industry, as well as individuals who wish to receive the insurance agent's license.

As stated in the Ministry of Finance, those who contributed to the previous exams, but have been unable to pass them, can also confirm their participation in the new testing by applying to the email address: tamerlan.aliyev@maliyye.gov.az.

The cost of participation in the certification for individuals is 200 manat, and for legal entities it is 1 thousand manat.

Certification of insurers has been held since the beginning of 2009, in accordance with the requirement of the insurance legislation. According to Article 83.2.2 of the Law "On Insurance Activity" activities of insurance agents are to be licensed. In this case, since March 15, 2009 the agency activity is carried out only by licensed individuals. --17D-

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