Amnesty International: Stop persecution of Ilgar Nasibov

Amnesty International called on the Azerbaijani authorities to put an end to unwarranted harassment of the human rights defender and journalist Ilgar Nasibov, withdraw the charges against him, investigate the attack on him and punish those responsible, and to ensure the freedom of expression and the rule of law.

The statement recalled that against Ilgar Nasibov brutally beaten by a group of persons a criminal case was filed under article 127.1 of the Criminal Code (bodily harm). This article was also presented to one of those who attacked him.

Recall that Nasibov was beaten on August 21 evening at his workplace - Resource Center for Democracy Support in Nakhchivan. He was broken ribs and a cheekbone and his teeth were knocked out. With a strong concussion and a great loss of blood, he was hospitalized. The doctors imposed up to 10 stitches on his head and face and he partially lost his sight in one eye.

In spite of such severe injuries, for two weeks the police did not prosecute or detain the attackers. Moreover, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nakhchivan issued a message stating that Nasibov was drunk and injured in a fight with a drinking companion.

On the numerous protests from the international community the authorities "reacted" in their own way - they detained one of the attackers and charged him and Ilgar Nasibov the same charges. -16D-

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