Communications launched the first European Games

The Production Association Baku Telephone Communications of the Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan has started the construction of the optical cable infrastructure in the direction of places where direct competition will be held in the framework of the first European Games to be held in Baku in 2015.

Planned construction of optical cable infrastructure large capacity with a total length of 190 kilometers. Data transfer rate up to 10 gigabits / second. According to the management software, about 70% of the work completed.

As part of future work is planned to establish a copper telecommunications infrastructure approximately 70 kilometers. There will also be introduced ISDN services, expanded infrastructure of Internet access in public areas will be deployed for free network Wi-Fi. Also planned to work on establishing a quality and sustainable infrastructure for broadcasting (including broadcasting organization in format HD). With the purpose of high-quality video stream will be involved IDD communication channel and a separate fiber-optic network. In addition, resources will also be used telecommunication satellite of Azerbaijan "Azerspace-1."

The first European Games will be held in Baku from 12 to 28 June 2015. Will be attended by more than 6 thousand. Athletes in 19 sports, 16 of which - Olympic kinds. Baku to host the approved in Rome December 8, 2012 at the meeting of the European Olympic Committee. -17D-

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