Competition put on 5390 hectares of land

Baku/13.02.14/Turan : February 18th, in four regions of the country will be held contests to transfer long-term lease on 5390 hectares of state-owned lands . The main requirement to the applicants is the creation of grain and seed farms using advanced agronomic techniques.

The State Land and Cartography Committee told Turan, contests are held by local executive authorities in the Hajigabul , Jalilabad and Beylagan regions. The land is leased for a period of not less than 49 years. The starting price of the annual amount of rent for 1,625.6 hectares of land in Hajigabul is set at 21,500 manat, 1300 ha in Jalilabad - 13,000 manat and 1,200 ha and 1,265 ha in the Beylagan region - 1,000 and 14,100 manat respectively .

Under the terms of the competition, its applicants should have experience in the production of grain and seed growing, and have sources of funding of the planned work . They must also submit a tender committee to establish an investment program of on-farm rain irrigation system, building drainage systems , roads, electricity , as well as the formation of logistics and processing areas . Contest winners must also take on the obligation to pay compensation associated with the relocation of existing farms.

Orders for the establishment of these areas of major grain and seed farms were taken by the Cabinet in 2013. The Government also decided to allot 523 hectares of land on the territory of the district Khachmas to build private livestock farms.

It is noteworthy that at the February 5 conference dedicated to the implementation of government programs in the country socio-economic development of the regions , the Minister of Economy and Industry Shahin Mustafayev noted that the work on the creation of five major crops, seed and livestock farms in the aforementioned areas was "nearing completion. " It is unclear if this means that the land contests are of formal nature.

In 2012, the government held the first contest for the lease of 4,800 hectares of land in Aghjabadi and Beylagan regions to create a large grain farms . These lands came under the control of the group of companies Saba.

For the implementation of intensive farming government has identified more than 203 hectares of land in the main state fund . In the first phase it is envisaged to use for this purpose 57 thousand hectares of land. - 08B -


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