Fines for Speeding Motorists Significantly Toughened

With the reduction of budget revenues, the flywheel of tightening penalties is spinning.

The Milli Majlis at the next meeting will review the excess of the permissible speed at traffic rules, as provided for in the draft new edition of the Code of Administrative Offences.

The text has been proposed by the Administration of the President (Article 328). For exceeding the allowed speed by 10-20 km / h the offender will be fined in the amount of 10 manats, 21-40 km / h - 50 manats, 41-60 km / h - 150 manats, more than 60 km / h - 250 manats.

Under the current Code, speeding 10-30 km / h entails a fine of 15-20 manats, 30-60 km / h - 20-40 manats and more than 60 km / h - 40-60 manats. --17D-

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