For social assistance "e-government" to be used

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (MLSP) intends to reduce the list of documents required for the purpose of social assistance to needy citizens. To do so would be to use the opportunity provided by the portal of "electronic government", said Turan, the press service of the Ministry.

Currently, MLSP has access to the information resources of ministries of internal affairs and taxes. At the stage of completion of work on the output of a database of the State Fund of Social Protection, the State Committee for Property Affairs and the Ministry of Justice.

Work to improve the mechanism of appointment of targeted social assistance, which is applied since 2006, is ongoing and today it takes 5 documents specifying the composition of the family and their income. If necessary, may be required and other documents.

In the first half of this year in Azerbaijan targeted assistance received 120.9 thousand families, consisting of 513.9 thousand people. On average, one family received a month 119.8 manat per month. - 08D-




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