Company "Stelman Trade LTD" offers Azerbaijani producers of olives cooperation to supply raw materials and finished products.
According to the local Fund Export and Investment Promotion (AZPROMO), anyone can learn the details of partnership by going to www.stelmantrade.eu.
Interest of foreigners in local production is not accidental - the current share of Azerbaijani products on the shelves of the Russian Federation - the main consumer of the CIS - 80% of the supplied 25 thousand tons per year. The total share of Georgia and Armenia is 15% and the countries of Central Asia - 5%.
And despite the fact that Azerbaijan harvest is still only a 350 hectares last year "Azersun Holding" (trademark olives "Zeytun baqlari") created another 140 hectares of trees, waiting for the harvest of 2015. The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources "ennobles" the wetlands of Absheron by cultivation of several varieties of evergreen trees.
In the early 1970s, olive orchards (1,600 hectares) were abandoned in favor of the challenge Red Banner and plans on grapes and cotton, and the olive orchards started in 1939 under the supervision of the Trans-Caucasian branch of All-Union Institute of Plant Industry (Mashtaga, Zykh, Zyra and Turkyan) became unprofitable. Already in the 1990-2000 olive trees were cut down by entrepreneurs with the permission of the authorities of the capital - in their place they built supermarkets, restaurants and houses of celebrations.
But the interest in the ancient culture is reviving and cultivated are about 200 thousand trees with an average yield of 15-20 kg, and in local stores you can find not only Spanish, Turkish or Greek products, but also Zeytun Baglari. Azerbaijan at the level of intergovernmental relations helps Tajik and Georgian specialists with its experience.
As head of the department of government regulation of food resources, production and processing of plant products in the Ministry of Agriculture Sabir Veliyev told Turan, the interest of the world-class Greek and Spanish merchants will help develop the culture here and besides Azersun Holding Azerbaijan will have several more large producers of olives. - 17D-
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