Hackers attack Facebook Users

Hackers attacked the regular Facebook users yesterday, with their mailing disguised as automatic notification of the social network, according to the blog Naked Security of the company Sophos.

In bad faith message (spam), the user is invited to read the letter, which says that one of his friends (the name is not mentioned) in Facebook mentioned him in the photo. Attached to the message are photos, and if the user looks through them, his computer will be loaded a ZIP-file with a virus. Inside the ZIP-archive a Troj/Agent-XNN will appear, and will allow the hackers to remotely control the infected computer. The virus adds itself to the system folder of Windows, and is loaded each time you start the operating system.

It is easy to distinguish the malicious mailing from Facebook messages. The social network always tells you who the friends of the said person in the photo are and the letters from hackers only report "one of your friends added a new photo of you."

Facebook also sends only links, but never - the photos themselves. -17D-


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