Hopkins University to Host International Forum Trans-Caspian Trade and Transit Corridor East-West

An international forum Trans-Caspian Trade and Transit Corridor East-West will be held in Washington, Hopkins University with support of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute on 28-29 April.

According to the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC), the purpose of the event is to discuss the implementation of the mentioned strategic routes from China to Europe and back, because the region needs a comprehensive and integrated network infrastructure, special economic zones, harmonized customs and cross-border procedures.

In addition, the intermediate countries (Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) have market opportunities with more than 110 million consumers, not to mention the European Union with 0.5 billion people.

The forum participants will discuss the implementation of modern projects and investments along the Silk Road.

Those interested can apply until 25 April by e-mail ssadigova@usacc.org or chamber@usacc.org. --17D-

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