ICB "NIKOIL" announces tender for purchase of ATM

JSC ICB "NIKOIL" announces an open tender to select the supplier of the ATM. Acceptance of documents for participation in the competition will be from 05 April to 19 April 2013.

Subject of the competition: Supply ATM street model WINCOR Nixdorf ProCash 8050xe USB

In the tender offer must be specified: the price of the VAT, the technical characteristics of the ATM, the warranty period, the delivery of ATMs.

The proposal should be granted until 19 April 2013. in a sealed envelope addressed to the Chairman of the CBI "NIKOIL" V. Khamaza marked "Offer - DO NOT OPEN" on the address: Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1000 27 U. Hajibeyov ICB "NIKOIL." - 15D -


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