In February Azerbaijan increased average daily oil production by 1.4%

During first two months this year Azerbaijan extracted 6,867,400 tons of oil and condensate.  This is down 1.4% against the same period last year, reported Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee.

According to the same source, during this period the volume production of tank oil totaled 6,857,500 tons (decline by 1.4%).

According to the Caspian Barrels Oil Studies Centre, in January 2016 Azerbaijan extracted 3,519,700 tons of tank oil (113,500 tons a day on average) and 3,337,800 tons in February (115,100 tons a day on average). In February 2016 Azerbaijan increased average daily production by 1.4%.

In 2015 oil production in Azerbaijan, including gas condensate, totaled 41,689,000 tons.—0—

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