In January and February 2016 gas production in Azerbaijan totaled 4,945,200,000 cub.m.. According to the Azerbaijan State Statistical Committee, gas production increased by 2.5% against the same period last year.
During this period tank gas production in the country totaled 3,154,700,000 cub.m. (decline by 8.3%).
In January produced 1,602,100,000 cub.m. of tank gas, while in February 1,522,600,000 cub.m. In January 2016 average volume of tank gas production totaled 51.68 mcm, while in February – 53.54 mcm.
In 2015 Azerbaijan extracted 29,742,700,000 cub.m. of gas. The tank gas production totaled 18.9 bcm.—0—
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