In JSC ICB "Nikoil" in real time by adding a standard bank account number (IBAN)

In order to improve the identification of bank customers in the area of electronic payments, increase the level of automation in processing payments and eliminate fragmentation in the structure of bank accounts, based on international experience, to January 7, 2013 all bank accounts used in the country in interbank settlements, switched to standard bank account numbers (IBAN) and began to be used in real mode.

ICB Nikoil does not to stay away from the event and passed on information to IBAN.V announce that IBAN - this is the standard number of a bank account established in accordance with international standard ISO 13,616 set by the European Committee for Banking Standards (ECBS) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Currently IBAN is used in European countries, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Tunisia, and the CIS in Kazakhstan and Georgia, for a total of 61 countries worldwide.

The decision to use IBAN numbers for bank financial institutions in the country was taken by the Central Bank of 17 June 2010. In order to ensure the transition to IBAN A working group of representatives of the Central Bank, the leading commercial banks, the Association of Banks and the relevant government agencies and approved the action plan. In this context of SDS "Nikoil" A working group responsible for the transition to the IBAN. In accordance with the action plan and sub-correspondent and correspondent accounts opened for the participants of payment systems, in March, 2012 have been translated into the structure of IBAN and start using them in real mode.

IBAN, used in the country, consists of 28 characters and has the following structure:





 AZ - Country Code of the Azerbaijan Republic ("AZ").

 NR - targets for testing loyalty account

BANK - first 4 characters SWIFT BIC financial institution. On the example of Nikoil Bank - NICB

 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - is the number of client accounts.

For more information about IBAN you can contact a bank's telephone number - 981. -15D -



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