Indices of agricultural prosperity

Gross product in the agricultural sector of the economy of Azerbaijan by July 1, amounted to 2 billion 122 million 995 thousand manats, said the Minister of Agriculture Ismet Abbasov at yesterday's meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the results of the socio-economic development over six months in 2013.

According to him, the situation in plant growing has improved by 4.5%, livestock - by 5.1% compared with the same period of last year. 

For the harvest of spring and winter cereals and leguminous crops (excluding maize) 1million   and 33.200 hectares of land were plowed, of which 67% (690,816 hectares) is  for wheat. As of July 15, the crop is harvested from 905.08 hectares (88%) in absolute terms, 2 million 408 thousand 191 tons, of which 1,612,644 tons  is wheat. The Minister said that by the end of the year will be raised almost 3 million tons of this crop, which by 100,000 exceeds the  level of last year, but did not explain the mechanism. As it is known, many private sectors of  foothills could not thresh crops due to natural disasters  in June (floods, hail, frequent rains), as well as the lack of harvesters, despite the fact that there are more than one thousand pieces.

According to Abbasov, this year is more fruitful than the previous - by 12.1% more than last year harvested fruits, by 11.8% - potatoes, 8.8% - vegetables, 4% - tea leaves. However the reasons for higher prices in the markets was not explained  - whether the product is rotting on the ground, whether road transport, or access to the villagers and urban wholesale markets is prohibited. The same can be said about the animal, where the paper also documents the achievement - the production of meat in live weight increased by 3.2%, milk - by 6.6%, eggs - by 14.2%, and wool - 2.6% with real growth of prices for these products.

In the first half of the year were purchased  4.3 million heads of pedigree cattle at 11.05 million manat, 1 million of which has already been distributed  by 284 entrepreneurs on a leasing basis.

Since the beginning of the year the JSC "Aqrolizinq"   gave the local businessmen  1648 pieces of equipment, including one thousand harvesters and 394 tractors, as well as  1,150 units of tow bar. - 17D-


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