Licensing of Professional Participants of Securities Market to Be Automated

At a November 3 meeting of the board of the State Committee for Securities decided early simplification and automation of licensing of professional participants of the securities market. This work will be carried out with the participation of the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the service ASAN Khidmet, said the agency.

Field testing of professional participants of the securities market in Azerbaijan suspended since 2014, and reporting is checked on the basis of documents submitted in an electronic manner.

We note that, under the law, professional participants of the securities market should operate only on the basis of the paying special permits (licenses) issued for a period of 5 years. With the entry into force of the law "On the Securities Market", since 2016 these licenses will be perpetual.

The SSC is said about inspections issuers of securities, which in many cases violate the rights of investors. On the basis of such complaints in the first nine months of 2015 the SSC has imposed administrative penalties against 122 JSCs totaling 152.5 thousand manats. ---- 08D

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