Today the plenary session of the Azerbaijani Parliament discussed the draft amendments to the state budget for 2016, according to which the limit of government borrowing in the current year increased from 4 billion to 8.5 billion manat. The government will attract the domestic financial market is not 2.5 billion, and 3.5 billion manat. External borrowing could reach 5 billion manats instead of the previously approved 1.5 billion manats. This year, the public for the service of the debt obligations were planned to send 1,249,700 manats. Now for this purpose will be spent by 25% more funds - 1 billion 775 million manats. Of them one billion and 474 million manats are external debt, by 525.5 million manat more than was approved by the budget. On January 1, 2016 public external debt announced by the Ministry of Finance amounted to $ 6billion 894.3 million, or 10 billion 751 million manats. -- 08D-
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