In 2013, the transportation of passengers on air transport airlines brought a loss of 35.1652 million manat. This is 5.7 % more than in the previous year.
The State Statistics Committee told Turan that the revenues of the airlines amounted 262.4 million manat, which is 16.3% more than in 2012. Costs of companies for passengers totaled 297.6 million manat, increasing by 15%.
Last year, Turan Air airline suspended its activities. Thus, the private sector is represented by only one company - LLC "Silk Way Business Aviation". In 2013, the airline carried 1,665,600 passengers ( +4.2 %).
According to the SSC, the share of the private sector in 2013 had 0.4 % of passenger traffic .
To the question "why do you not publish financial reports" CJSC Azerbaijan Airlines told Turan that it is a commercial secret .
In conformity with Article 5.3 of the statute, AZAL is required to publish in accordance with legislation annual financial report no later than 30 April of the following financial year.
According to the State Statistics Committee, in years 1996-2013 financial losses Azerbaijani airlines passenger traffic amounted to 418.6 million manat. During these years, investment in aviation totaled one and a quarter billion manat.
For comparison, we note that the airline "Air Astana" (Kazakhstan) was saved in 2012 net profit of $ 9.1 billion ( in 2012 the average rate of 1 U.S. dollar to the Kazakh tenge was 149). Total retained earnings at the beginning of the airline last year exceeded 40 billion.
Airline Silk Way Business Aviation was founded in 2007. In the commercial airlines are operating Gulfstream G550, Gulfstream G450, Gulfstream G200, Boeing 727, ATR- 42 -500 and two new Gulfstream G280. In 2015, the company is going to buy another two Gulfstream aircraft model G650.
AZAL fleet consists of seven Airbus A- 320 , four Boeing- 757- 200 , three Airbus A- 319, two Airbus A- 340 and two Boeing- 767 -300ER. - 08B-
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