Merger of 31 Companies

Today, October 12th, the merger of 30 companies with LLC Ram-Nur was announced. On completion of the merger, the remaining 30 companies will be eliminated.

In the global network there is no information on the business activities of these companies, including Ltd. Ram-Nur. The Director of the company is Ramiz Gochaliev. The company's capital does not exceed 50 manats.

These companies were set up in 2008-2013. As Turan IA found out, the founders of these companies are different individuals, although 31 companies were established at 7 addresses in Baku.

The Ministry of Taxes included Director of LLC Tekhnovilla Kenan Veliyev in the list of persons, whose leaving the country is limited because of the tax debt. Turan clarified the debt is 4,508 manats. And in 2015, the State Social Protection Fund filed a lawsuit against Elite Catering Company because of the debt on compulsory social insurance.   ----08D

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