On October 28 the Tax Ministry signed a contract with Politan Ltd. for the purchase of furniture and other equipment for a total amount of 267 589.78 manat. It is noteworthy that the name of this company can be found only in the tenders of the tax administration.
Being barely established in October 2012, Politan Ltd. in the same year won two small surveys quoted Training Center of the Ministry of Taxes, which totaled 6,492 manat. Already last year, the company began to carry out the orders of the central apparatus of the Ministry as well, and the sum of the four sides of the contracts reached 143,527 manats. At the same time orders were for different types of activities - from the delivery of furniture, bedding and clothing to manufacture encrypted envelope. This year the services of Ltd. Politan were needed for the manufacture of encrypted envelope, for which it was rewarded for the amount of 44,680 manat.
In the local media repeatedly printed are articles about the opaque public procurement, the winners of which are companies unknown to the general public. --08B--
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