Monday - a hard day

Insurance payments in cases of road accidents over the weekend last year were higher than on weekdays - 1440 vs. 1280 manats.

With such an inquiry acted Bureau of Compulsory Insurance (BCI), interested in reducing cash refunds under the liability insurance of vehicle owners (CTP). According to official figures, at the weekend were 30.5% or 5,128 accidents. On weekdays there were 11,672 (69.5%) accidents.

It turns out that most accidents occurred last year on Mondays - 2,538 insurance cases to be considered in the framework of CTP. On Wednesdays were recorded 2,527 cases, on Thursdays - 2,518 cases, on Tuesdays - 2,474 cases, on Saturdays - 2,396 and on Fridays - 2,365. Least often in the past year CTP insurance cases occurred on Sundays - 1,982 cases.

According to BCI, most insurance claims for CTP in 2013 was recorded in July. - 17D


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